Traditional methods can only provide so much relief for severe neck pain and injuries. Explore an evidence-based approach focusing on a detailed assessment on range of motion and strength, and strengthening the neck itself.
Your workflow is easier, quicker, and more flexible with features recommended by customers like you. With streamlined reports, custom protocols, and new data capabilities, this upgrade is an all new MCU experience for you and your clients.
Research Shows Eccentric Exercise – Not Needling, Surgery, Splints – Best for Tendinopathy
CategoriesThe data showed that each intervention provided some level of improvement. But exercise was the most consistently effective option. More specifically, eccentric exercise was the single most effective treatment for all joints in the study
Eccentric work provides unique responses and benefits compared to concentric exercise. This session delves into the science of eccentric exercise and how the Eccentron allows you to offer controlled but targeted isolated eccentric exercise to nearly any client.
CPM is great for working on the Range of Motion in injured joints. But with the added Target Force, you’re also improving neuromuscular control, strength through range, stability, and overall endurance.
Today's emphasis on patient engagement represents an important shift in modern healthcare. The patient-provider relationship has become more collaborative than ever. With these patient engagement tips, you can maximize efficiency and provide better clinical outcomes.
If you’ve treated patients with patellar tendonitis, then you know the sesamoids in the knee. The smaller sesamoid bones of the hand and feet play a big role in other conditions, but they’re often overlooked. Let’s explore the anatomy, function, and rehab techniques for sesamoid bones.
At a time when people are being told to stay home and avoid close contact with out-of-household people, the inherent model of the allied health professions can seem completely at odds with these recommendations.
The Eccentron produced muscle activation almost four times higher than the other exercises for all muscle groups tested. With the Eccentron, participants achieved an average muscle activation of 60% of their maximum.
The new mandate from CMS prohibited the use of CPT codes 97530 and 97150 on the same day as an initial evaluation. This came as a major surprise to allied health providers and clinic owners, as well as the APTA and AOTA.
Chill Out With Cryotherapy
CategoriesA cryosauna is a temperature-controlled enclosure with an open top. Picture a shoulder-high telephone booth without a roof. Before stepping inside, you usually put on special socks and gloves to prevent your feet and hands from getting too cold.
Imaging plays an essential role in treating soft-tissue injuries. The challenge is obtaining an accurate image without facing excessively high costs or expenses. By working with sonography, you can reduce the risks to a patient and improves the treatment process. What is sonography? Sonography is a medical practice using sound to create an image or…