“For personal injury cases, it justifies functional loss and medical necessity. We always use the MCU for documentation purposes,” says Dr. Munderloh.
Dr. Edo Zylstra runs an outpatient rehab clinic like no other. At KinetaCare, every patient pays cash only, and every referral comes from word-of-mouth. That’s a business model built entirely on pure clinical success and patient enthusiasm.
When patients look at their objective progress reports, they know they’re getting better. There’s no guessing whether patients are progressing and no question about what’s making the difference. The strongest driver of his incredible compliance rate is the MCU’s evidence-based, objective measurement.
“For neck rehab, the MCU does what TheraBands and manual therapy can’t do...It was so obvious, what’s missing is neck strength. With the MCU we can finally address the underlying problem."
Marla Tappy's unique approach for creating a cash-pay clinic removes the frustration of insurance billing. She keeps her clients happy with the clinically superior results and engaging experience of the Eccentron.
“We have to keep costs low, get results and keep the referral source happy, but we also have to keep the patient happy,” says Rich. “Using Primus for effort measurement allows us to do both.
Recently, Ron Courson, ATC, PT, NREMT-I, CSCS, Director of Sports Medicine for University of Georgia, a long-time BTE user and advocate - came to us with an incredible success story. Showing just what an impact BTE can make. In this case, the story was Todd Gurley. And Todd was so excited about his recovery with BTE, that he wanted to share his story.
“Eccentric exercise has the unique capability to generate the highest muscle force, and patients can grow stronger at the highest possible rate compared to other exercise,” says Michael Bade, PT, DPT, PhD.