“The eccentric component is huge for NBA players because they’re so explosive. Many injuries occur in the eccentric phase during deceleration, so the Eccentron is for both performance and injury reduction,” says Motoki Fuji, Houston Rockets' Assistant Athletic Trainer
The more time you spend learning a sport, the sharper your skills become. But for young athletes, especially in baseball, early specialization can actually have negative outcomes.
The Eccentron produced muscle activation almost four times higher than the other exercises for all muscle groups tested. With the Eccentron, participants achieved an average muscle activation of 60% of their maximum.
Chill Out With Cryotherapy
CategoriesA cryosauna is a temperature-controlled enclosure with an open top. Picture a shoulder-high telephone booth without a roof. Before stepping inside, you usually put on special socks and gloves to prevent your feet and hands from getting too cold.
A bad swing doesn’t just mean a bad shot. A poorly trained swing can lead to injury. When you consider the number of swings that a golfer will take on the practice range or the course, overuse injuries can occur in a short period of time.
According a study published last month, Ivy League schools have tackled the concussion issue in their football program. Thanks to one change to the kickoff rules, their football concussion rates have plummeted.
Current research gives specific recommendations for BFR, including cuff width, material and placement, pressure, exercise, and conditions that it benefits. Let’s look at those specifics along with the history, mechanisms, and benefits of BFR.
Three key advances have dramatically shortened ACL recovery time for UGA football players: post-injury treatment, surgical procedure, and innovative rehabilitation. Because an ACL injury used to jeopardize an athlete’s career, it’s important to build confidence to make a complete recovery.
Researchers from the Sport Performance Center at the AECC University College recently set out to develop testing and training methods for para-Nordic skiers. Along the way, they navigated some unexpected obstacles and disproved their own expectations.
Let’s take a look at some of these populations, and the outcomes leading researchers have reported from eccentric training. Studies include hip fracture, ACL rehabilitation, TKA, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's and falls.
Exercise and stretching improve mobility and flexibility – not only of the ECRB itself, but of the surrounding areas as well. Therapists should assess the extensor carpi radialis longus, supinator, digital extensors, and other muscles for strengthening and stretching.
Thank You, Athletic Trainers!
CategoriesWe employ ATCs in industrial and clinical education settings. They provide a unique service, truly making a difference in keeping workers safe and educating clinicians worldwide. We are highly appreciative of the services that they and ALL Athletic Trainers provide.