Cold Laser Therapy in Rehab
CategoriesCold laser therapy works by targeting the tissue with specific wavelengths of light. The light emitted from the machine triggers biochemical changes within cells and promotes healing.
Dr. Edo Zylstra runs an outpatient rehab clinic like no other. At KinetaCare, every patient pays cash only, and every referral comes from word-of-mouth. That’s a business model built entirely on pure clinical success and patient enthusiasm.
When patients look at their objective progress reports, they know they’re getting better. There’s no guessing whether patients are progressing and no question about what’s making the difference. The strongest driver of his incredible compliance rate is the MCU’s evidence-based, objective measurement.
Since sciatica is a form of radiculopathy, a lumbar herniated disc is usually to blame. Some research shows that a lumbar herniated disc causes up to 90% of sciatica cases. Stretches and exercise are often the most effective methods to address sciatica pain.
Without thorough documentation, payers will assume treatments aren't needed and could deny reimbursement. Skilled service documentation proves the necessity of your treatment. Use these tips to show the necessity of treatment and ensure reimbursement.
Q&A with GATA Hall of Famer, Paul Higgs – Successful Reimbursement for Athletic Training Services
CategoriesReimbursement and CPT codes are uncharted territory for most Athletic Trainers. But one trailblazer has built a successful system of billing and reimbursement for athletic training services at Valdosta State University.
You don't have to be a spine specialist to safely and effectively treat sever neck pain. This evidence-based approach applies many of the same principles you use for other conditions. As always, start with evaluation. Consider the client’s ADLs, job tasks, degenerative changes within the spine, disease, and muscle imbalances.
Your workflow is easier, quicker, and more flexible with features recommended by customers like you. With streamlined reports, custom protocols, and new data capabilities, this upgrade is an all new MCU experience for you and your clients.