Eccentric training is transforming Parkinson's disease rehabilitation by addressing motor challenges with groundbreaking results. Discover how high-intensity eccentric resistance training can improve strength, mobility, and quality of life for PD patients. Learn about the latest research and practical strategies for physical and occupational therapists.
Discover how eccentric training enhances mobility and independence in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Learn about the latest research, key exercises, and the role of the Eccentron in boosting muscle activation, force production, and functional abilities for your SCI patients.
A recent study examined the outcomes of an eccentric-focused physical therapy program for post-hip fracture recovery. Participants using BTE's Eccentron showed positive improvements in lean muscle mass, force production, and functional abilities.
Kinesiology tape is touted as one of the best adjunct treatments. Let’s scrutinize the proposed benefits and see if taping really is an evidence-based practice.
These findings could change the way we think about and apply eccentric and concentric exercises in rehab. Let’s explore this new research and what it means for our clinical practice.
EaseVRx is an FDA-approved virtual reality device used in the treatment of chronic low back pain. It is the only VR-based device currently used in the treatment of low back pain.
Preventive exercise programs may be able to reverse the trend. But only if they effectively address the root causes. Here you’ll find a review of the literature on fall risks for older adults and interventions that can help prevent fall-related deaths.
Research Shows Eccentric Exercise – Not Needling, Surgery, Splints – Best for Tendinopathy
CategoriesThe data showed that each intervention provided some level of improvement. But exercise was the most consistently effective option. More specifically, eccentric exercise was the single most effective treatment for all joints in the study
This new lower extremity testing protocol allows researchers to quickly collect precise data on multiple types of movement. Researchers at the Orthopaedic Research Institute of Bournemouth University chose PrimusRS as the “gold standard” in muscular assessment.
The Eccentron produced muscle activation almost four times higher than the other exercises for all muscle groups tested. With the Eccentron, participants achieved an average muscle activation of 60% of their maximum.
Researchers from the Sport Performance Center at the AECC University College recently set out to develop testing and training methods for para-Nordic skiers. Along the way, they navigated some unexpected obstacles and disproved their own expectations.
Let’s take a look at some of these populations, and the outcomes leading researchers have reported from eccentric training. Studies include hip fracture, ACL rehabilitation, TKA, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's and falls.